Creative Thursday

A simple tip to help you focus

A simple tip to help you focus

Are you someone who writes down your goals for the year or do you question if this ritual actually gets you the results you want?


How about writing down your "word for the year"?


Do these practices really make a difference or are they just busy work to remind us what we didn't accomplish since last year?

Do they only make sense at the beginning of a new year or can they still make a difference in any month you choose?


I'll be honest, I was skeptical for a long time about whether this kind of specificity around my goals and intentions was actually helpful, then I gave it a try and realized it's a game changer.


In today's episode, I share with you why I decided to not only choose a word for the year but to share it publicly.


I talk about

  • how these simple practices can help you gain clarity year after year, no matter when you implement them
  • how that clarity can help you know exactly what to focus on next
  • the powerful intentions a single word can cultivate for you and what mine are for the word I choose this year


Excited to hear about our upcoming in-person Art event in Los Angeles? Want to be the first to know when you can register

Click here to join the Creative Thursday List

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I just Want to Feel Like an Artist Again

I just Want to Feel Like an Artist Again

Should this podcast stay or should it go?


Inspired by a variety of conversations with creatives I had at the start of this new year, the response to a spontaneous instagram post I created that is now my most liked post of ALL TIME, celebrating the 300th CT episode, all coinciding with a BIG birthday in just 2 days - I'm assessing next steps personally, professionally and specifically with this Creative Thursday podcast.


Let's just say the lens with which I'm choosing to Mentor and Coach is shifting and I'm sharing with you why.

I'd love your thoughts on the ideas and suggestions I'm offering in this episode and then...


If you like me simply want more time to create your Art this year and make it a regular habit again, I've got 3 tips to begin feeling like an Artist again, especially if you're an Artist who's turned your Creativity into a Profession.


On a side note if you LOVE rabbits, and/or are curious about seeing and collecting a new series of Creative Thursday paintings, then you'll want to check out the new Year of the Rabbit-inspired originals right here at


Thanks in advance for your thoughts, through reviews and messages.

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Letting go of You’re Limiting Beliefs as an Artist - with guest Artists Jeanette Bergstrom, Erwin Ong and Marie-Laure Delage-Carlson

Letting go of You’re Limiting Beliefs as an Artist - with guest Artists Jeanette Bergstrom, Erwin Ong and Marie-Laure Delage-Carlson

How do you go from owning that you’re ready to be an Artist to having your career as an Artist support you in owning a house in France?


Yes it’s possible! But first...when setting out to accomplish your dreams


Ask yourself if you’re taking advice from people who are living what you want to live?


Or listening to people who tell you, you can’t accomplish your dreams versus the ones who tell you, you can?


We're celebrating 300 episodes today and since the original mission of the Creative Thursday podcast was to share my journey as an Artist wanting to become a Professional not only to share what I was figuring out with you but to inspire all who are wanting to be creative and/or build a business doing work you love to do just that ~

I thought there’s no better way to celebrate the 300the episode than sharing Artist Success Stories with you


Featuring our guest Artists

Jeanette Bergstrom, Erwin Ong, Marie-Laure Delage-Carlson


In this episode we talk about:

  • How to let go of limiting beliefs when it comes to creating your Art and building your Art Business
  • Why there isn’t only one right way to become a Professional Creative and how to choose the path that is right for your Artwork
  • What’s equally as important to share as sharing your Art?
  • The simple strategy that grows your email list and your Art sales


You can find all things

Jeanette Bergstrom on instagram

Erwin Ong

@duckamuck on instagram

Marie-Laure Delage-Carlson on instagram


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Healing from Surgery + How I Won’t Be Doing Business the Same

Healing from Surgery + How I Won’t Be Doing Business the Same

No one wants it to take an overnight hospital stay to be the wake-up call for you to learn an important lesson.

But so be it.

This is my personal story that doesn’t veer far from my professional life. For too long I let fear and anxiety influence the way I chose to grow my Creative Business, and this is where it’s time to make a new choice.

The person who went into the hospital is not the same person who came out, and how I was running it will no longer be the way I will be running it going forward.

In today’s episode, I share with you how this health challenge inspired me to dive into my fear versus resisting it, and what has happened since.

Join the Artful Selling Waitlist here to be the first to know when we open the doors again, on August 26th


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The Art of Prioritizing

The Art of Prioritizing

Have you ever thought you were clear on your "priorities" only to realize that something else always comes first?

And is what comes first, something you want or something for someone else?

This year I was introduced to one concept that was a huge wake-up call for me in terms of getting to the bottom of what matters most to me - not anyone else.

Continuing on in our first of the year mini planning series, in today's episode I'm introducing you to a simple exercise to help you understand why you may be letting everything and everyone else be the priority ~ and how to begin staying in integrity with yourself and what you value most.

Join me for the Profitable Artist Planning Challenge

Click here to Register

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Why You Might be Getting in Your Own Way

Why You Might be Getting in Your Own Way

Is there really such thing as self-sabotage?

Why would we ever consider keeping ourselves away from what we say we want?

Doing ALL the things for many years, and still not progressing in the way I envisioned, lead me to start a deep dive on learning more about the brain from science to psychology.

Oh the discoveries, wow! mind-blowing, pun intended.

Coming to understand the science behind our automatic behaviors and the choices we make is life changing and I hope this quick overview brings you some insight + understanding that you may have been seeking too.


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Healing Trauma for Artists with Dr. Don Wood

Healing Trauma for Artists with Dr. Don Wood


Do you sometimes wonder if you're sabotaging yourself? getting in your own way of success?

Has anyone ever called you emotional? Have you felt especially tender when exposed to certain experiences in your life. And have you ever wondered if it's just you, or are Artists really more sensitive than other people? 

If you aren't yet familiar with the work of Dr. Don Wood, you're in for a treat today, so many answers to questions that you may have been wondering about for a lifetime. 

This is an episode you'll want to save and listen to again. Find comfort in knowing that you're not alone.

Learn more about the life changing work of Dr. Wood, with a special limited offer exclusively for Creative Thursday listeners. Click here to learn more


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Embarking on My Journey to Healing with EMDR

Embarking on My Journey to Healing with EMDR

I shared a few weeks ago about my first therapy session specific to EMDR and the outpouring of encouragement and support (from you!, thank you!) inspired me to share some more thoughts on the start to this journey.

And if you'd like me to share more with you, let me know. I believe the more we are willing to be vulnerable and open up (to whatever degree we are comfortable sharing) about our journey around healing, the more the world heals together. 

This new journey is also inspiring a new painting collection, releasing August 29 of which this piece is the first.

"It's a New Dawn" a reinvention of my piece "Strength and Perseverance" created just over 1 year ago at the start of the Pandemic shutdown.'s available for purchase right now an advance Collector preview! until the end of the day today Thursday, June 24. 



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How to Make Decisions You can Trust with Intuition Expert Lisa K.

How to Make Decisions You can Trust with Intuition Expert Lisa K.

Fully trusting your decisions, in every area of your life? How does that sound!

In today's episode, my special guest, Intuition Expert, Lisa K. shares some of the BEST practical guidance and tips on exactly how to recognize when your intuition is guiding you, and how to listen.


Learn more and find all things Lisa K. at

You can also purchase her beautiful new Intuition deck at:


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"Be Brave Enough to be the Light" ~ Amanda Gorman

"Be Brave Enough to be the Light" ~ Amanda Gorman

A slice of life, this episode is recorded in real time today, the day after the Inauguration with thoughts on the beautiful, inspiring and profound words from the L.A. Poet Amanda Gorman.

The ripple effect of these words shared on a new day in our country was powerful. 

Today while it's fresh in my mind, the start of a new chapter in so many way I want to share with you my interpretation of Amanda's words, that has lead to a renewed promise to you, my listener as I continue to share here on my podcast. 


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