Enrollment to Artful Selling is Open —BUT only until Tuesday, January 21 @ 11:59 pm PST! Enrollment to Artful Selling is Open —BUT only until Tuesday, January 21 @ 11:59 pm PST!

Creative Thursday

My Biggest Takeaways from the Profitable Artist Plan + 4 Ways to Adapt to ALL the Industry Changes

My Biggest Takeaways from the Profitable Artist Plan + 4 Ways to Adapt to ALL the Industry Changes

Are you frustrated with all the changes?


Do you find the resistance creeping in along with a wish to just keep things the same for a while, already!


I see Artists coping with similar struggles over and over, and it doesn't help that there are also a lot of shifts happening all at once in the creative and online industries.


If we want to keep following through on our plan, it's time for a different approach again.


I've recognized an important shift you can make starting today that may help you let go of ALL those same struggles.


In today's podcast episode I share with you my biggest takeaways after hosting another session of the Profitable Artist Planning Workshop along with the top 4 trends I see happening in our industry and my suggestions on how you can adapt to the changes to continue experiencing the success you want.

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"Be Brave Enough to be the Light" ~ Amanda Gorman

"Be Brave Enough to be the Light" ~ Amanda Gorman

A slice of life, this episode is recorded in real time today, the day after the Inauguration with thoughts on the beautiful, inspiring and profound words from the L.A. Poet Amanda Gorman.

The ripple effect of these words shared on a new day in our country was powerful. 

Today while it's fresh in my mind, the start of a new chapter in so many way I want to share with you my interpretation of Amanda's words, that has lead to a renewed promise to you, my listener as I continue to share here on my podcast. 


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Let's talk about the Social Dilemma and If I continue this Podcast

Let's talk about the Social Dilemma and If I continue this Podcast

Have you seen this Documentary? Watching this had a profound effect on me, including the re-evaluation of whether I will continue my Podcast.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me a message over on Instagram @creativethursday or in the comments below

 Oh And! The Holiday Shop opened on #SmallStudioSunday, and if you missed the Dala Rhino more are coming to the shop later today...along with maybe...a Dala Dino! :) 

Also, join me TODAY for a LIVE Open Studio Tour at 3:00 pm PT on Instagram first and then time permitting on Facebook.


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Licensing isn't the Answer

Licensing isn't the Answer

I've noticed a trend in encouraging Artists towards collaborations, surface design and licensing.

And when you pull back the curtain of licensing, I'm uncertain why this is being encouraged by Artists to Artists, especially during a year of a Pandemic.

Well actually let me rephrase that, I do have some ideas why this is a trend, and I also have reasons why I don't recommend Licensing as the solution to all your passive income dreams, financial security, or validation as an Artist.

Join me for this week's podcast episode; Why licensing, and surface design aren't the answer to becoming a successful, thriving Artist, especially now~ and what is!


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(not) business, art or podcasting as usual

(not) business, art or podcasting as usual

Integrity 🖤 Humanity 🖤 Decency


The change I'm witnessing and personally experiencing has been a seismic shift.

I write to you on this Creative Thursday with optimism and hope for the future  and the incredible transformations that will come out of this time. And I am so ready to do the work, more than ever before.


I'm not the same person I was 2 weeks ago.

Creative Thursday is not the same business.

And the direction of my Art is shifting.


Over the past 10 days I've chosen to be still, not only to learn, listen and reflect - but using my Instagram stories in support of amplifying Black voices, artists, thought leaders while sharing resources on ways you may be able to help and care for your heart during this time.

I want to highlight a resource with you here that I found great comfort and clarity in created by Deepa Iyer. If you want to help but you're feeling uncertain about what your role is during times of social change, this and may offer some insight.

And while it's so tempting to continue to stay silent especially in the current climate~ even with the best of intentions, I've been hesitant to speak up, for fear of making a "mistake" or have what I communicate get taken out of context.

But as I shared with you last week, worrying about "getting it wrong" is no longer a reason to stay politely quiet.

This time has presented an invitation for me to use my voice and platforms in ways I haven't before.

As uncomfortable as it's been, I've been having some real conversations (honestly my favorite kind - small talk is not my thing), and letting some truths sink in that have been hard to hear, but vital to understand.

While I'm gently easing back into business, it's not going to be business or art as usual.

The changes I'm making will not be overnight. Some days I will voice them, other days they will be subtle, but know they are happening every day.

My black square in solidarity on Instagram is not one and done.

I've taken steps already, and at this moment, rather than be too quick to action I'm allowing more time to research, shift perspective, let knew ideas percolate, decide on who I want to learn from, and then choose the best way I can offer my support. I promise to keep you posted as I learn more. While I do not intend to use my platforms to speak politically, I will never again question whether to speak out in support of human rights.

The place I enjoy speaking from the most is my podcast.

I invite you to tune into today's episode posted below, where I candidly go into more detail about the specifics that I have learned during this time ~ for the record this is not me trying to make this about it me. I am recording it in case it inspires some new ideas and conversation for you~ and also as a record for me. I don't want to forget this moment and slide back into old ideas and habits as if nothing happened.

About business (not) as usual here's some what I hope will be fun, inspiring events + opportunities coming soon


  • Starting June 23 I'm hosting a FREE 3 Day Challenge. "Sell a Piece of Art this Week" One of my ongoing missions, and a topic that I will be speaking up on more often~ is in emphatic support of valuing the work of the Artist, We had such success with this challenge in The Expansive Artists last month that I want to open up the opportunity to you, and other emerging and established Artists you know, to join us this time. Look for your invitation coming soon.
  • New Art Collection release coming soon. I've been asked about purchasing the original I shared with you in my last email, featured below. Truthfully I love that piece so much, I've been letting it live with me a little longer. But it's time to let it bring some comfort to someone else's home so yes! "We are One" will be available for purchase along with 5 other new originals in a black and white series I've been working on this past week. I will also be making a donation in support of Black Lives Matter from the sale of those pieces. I'm researching organizations now and would like to choose one in support of entrepreneurship and the Arts if you have a recommendation please reply back and let me know!
  • Season 2 of Creative Thursday video interview series is FINALLY launching. Save the Date for the first episode airing July 9. One thing being quarantined at home has offered is some extra time to finish long overdue projects. These conversations with fellow Creative business owners are so good, I can't wait to share them with you.

    "I stand with you in peace, love, justice, equality and creativity"

    I hope you enjoy the new podcast episode.

    much love

    ~ xo Marisa


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