A week of Art Making! Join us for the FREE Shiny Squirrel Artist Summit starting October 13! A week of Art Making! Join us for the FREE Shiny Squirrel Artist Summit starting October 13!

Creative Thursday

Money Mindset Manifestation for Creatives with Creative Coach Nick Demos

Money Mindset Manifestation for Creatives with Creative Coach Nick Demos

The latest in trendy buzzwords or concepts that actually play well together? And if so how can Money Mindset + Manifestation help you reach your goals + dreams?


A topic I've wanted to explore more in-depth on this podcast for some time...It took a minute to meet + invite and get to know the guest I trust to take this conversation further ~ one who not only walks the walk but offers one of the clearest explanations of Mindset + Manifestation, along with practical tips and recommendations on how you can choose to practice both (with an approach that works for you) to invite more Abundance (including Money) into your world.


As an Artist who's been aware of, continually learning, and practicing my version of Manifestation for well over 20 years, this conversation sparked a profound new clarity + transformational insight that has stayed with me ever since we recorded this episode


Packed with inspiration and ah-ha's + Insight from a limitless Creative who's resume includes: a Tony Award Winning Producer, Award Winning Filmmaker, Former Professional Actor/SingerDancer, Yoga Teacher, Pranayama + Reiki Practitioner, Creative Coach, and fellow Podcaster.


If you don't yet know Nick, you will. I can't wait for you to meet him in this episode. Enjoy!


You can find all things Nick Demos at


@thenickdemos on Instagram


Are you joining me for #30DaysofSketchwithMarisa


Join the list to follow along here


and use this hashtag #30daysofsketchwithmarisa on Instagram to participate with your own sketches. 


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Choosing the RIGHT Online Shop Platform

Choosing the RIGHT Online Shop Platform

Are you afraid of making a “wrong” decision when it comes to building your online shop?

One of the questions I get asked the most by the Artists I mentor is “what website, e-commerce platform do I choose for my online shop?” followed by “how do I know for sure, that it's the right one for me?”

So often our fear of making the wrong decision keeps us from making any decision at all, which in turn keeps us in a holding pattern ~ what I refer to as paused versus progressing.

In this week's episode, I'm getting super practical and sharing my top 3 online platforms, and I step you through exactly why these are my favorites.



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Embarking on My Journey to Healing with EMDR

Embarking on My Journey to Healing with EMDR

I shared a few weeks ago about my first therapy session specific to EMDR and the outpouring of encouragement and support (from you!, thank you!) inspired me to share some more thoughts on the start to this journey.

And if you'd like me to share more with you, let me know. I believe the more we are willing to be vulnerable and open up (to whatever degree we are comfortable sharing) about our journey around healing, the more the world heals together. 

This new journey is also inspiring a new painting collection, releasing August 29 of which this piece is the first.

"It's a New Dawn" a reinvention of my piece "Strength and Perseverance" created just over 1 year ago at the start of the Pandemic shutdown.

pssst...it's available for purchase right now an advance Collector preview! until the end of the day today Thursday, June 24. 



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Don't Rush the Timing

Don't Rush the Timing

What's with all the rushing these days?

Ambition, dedication, focus I get. Rushing, I've learned, actually slows your progress down.

Do you trust the process? or do you feel like you're always trying to get to that next place on the journey?

Have you noticed that when you finally get "there", you have a new dream insight? Are you taking the time to truly appreciate just how far you've come, and how all of the steps that you got here, have been perfect in their unfolding.

On this birthday! I'm sharing with you new discoveries on time and right timing.


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"Be Brave Enough to be the Light" ~ Amanda Gorman

"Be Brave Enough to be the Light" ~ Amanda Gorman

A slice of life, this episode is recorded in real time today, the day after the Inauguration with thoughts on the beautiful, inspiring and profound words from the L.A. Poet Amanda Gorman.

The ripple effect of these words shared on a new day in our country was powerful. 

Today while it's fresh in my mind, the start of a new chapter in so many way I want to share with you my interpretation of Amanda's words, that has lead to a renewed promise to you, my listener as I continue to share here on my podcast. 


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Object Consciousness vs. Space Consciousness

Object Consciousness vs. Space Consciousness

Ahhh!!! this is hands down one of the best, most enlightening conversations I've listened to during this time.

A fan of Eckhart Tolle since I first watched him he and Oprah host one of the first online sessions taking us through his book "A New Earth"

Did you watch too?

During this pandemic, I found my way back to Eckhart's teaching.  It is one of the few spaces where, when I listen to him speak, I tap into a sense of calm and peace like no other. (I highly recommend his Youtube channel) 

And this conversation between he and Russell Brand just brings so much understanding, clarity & peace to both Sean & I right now.

We were getting into the habit of tuning into the news in the morning, as one might understandably do to stay up to date with all the latest during a pandemic + intense global crisis, however we noticed that this ritual was starting our day in a high state of stress + fear.

Now during our daily coffee time, we've been listening to this 2 hour conversation in 15 min increments, to process all that Eckhart is sharing & honestly to savor it as I don't want to the dialogue to end. 

This is just 1 of the eye opening concepts: Eckhart shares an  analogy as if you are a room~ highlighting the difference between the objects in the room versus the space that is the room, in which the objects reside.

Object Consciousness leaves you feeling never satisfied, you never “arrive” and you often need others to feel inferior.

Space Consciousness is awareness, moments of no thought where you rise above instead of below your thinking, you recognize the essence of who you are. You become aware of a gap between 2 thoughts & this is where all intuition, creativity and wisdom reside.

Chances are when you are making Art you are in your Space Consciousness. 💗

Also if the intensity of this time has left you feeling afraid to speak publicly~ at around the 58 minute mark there is soothing insight around “hive thinking”, & how it can play out in social media in particular, and how best to thoughtfully, acknowledge and respond from an aware state of consciousness. ❤️

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