A week of Art Making! Join us for the FREE Shiny Squirrel Artist Summit starting October 13! A week of Art Making! Join us for the FREE Shiny Squirrel Artist Summit starting October 13!

Creative Thursday

Did You Hear the News?

Did You Hear the News?

Did you hear the news? Not only am I now a happily married Mrs!


During my time away from the podcast I had an epiphany, a realization about what's been missing, what can no longer take a back seat, and the dreams I'm fulfilling in 2024.


I've got a lot to fill you in on and I'm starting by sharing the story of the Cranky Bunny, and the inspiration behind a brand new idea and Artist community I just opened that I've been thinking about since 2006.


I'm also excited to invite you to come have some holiday fun, creative painting time with me starting Monday!


Join me for the Ornament Painting Workshop starting Monday, December 11


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Artist Success Stories featuring Molly Ovenden and Leah Selk

Artist Success Stories featuring Molly Ovenden and Leah Selk

Welcome to another installment of Artist Success Stories.


This episode highlights 2 of our Expansive Artist Members sharing stories about how they came to follow their passion and experience breakthroughs with their Art + Creative Businesses.


Artists; Molly Ovenden, Leah Selk join me for this episode where we talk about:

  • Molly, a full-time multi-disciplinary Artist, shares how she lets one art from influence another, and how adopting the practice of planning and embracing a business owner mindset, has transformed her creative practice and how she runs her business today with the ability to think long term
  • Leah, a watercolor Artist who wasn't sure if being an Artist was meant for her (even after she graduated Art School) shares how she went from wondering if she could actually make sales to people who aren't her friends to knowing she CAN do this, growing in confidence to raise her prices and selling $6K at her first local gallery show which is leading to even more opportunities in her local community


Perfect timing to join our inspiring community of Expansive Artists! Doors are OPEN for the last time to the public this year starting today through next Tuesday, October 3 @ 11:59 pm PDT


Get ready to experience your next Creative + Art Business breakthrough with plenty of support, accountability, and encouragement along the way.


We can't wait to welcome you!


Come join us!



You can find all things

Molly Ovenden


@Mollyovendencreativity on Instagram


Leah Selk


@leahselkart on Instagram


To get the latest updates, click here to join the Creative Thursday List


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What keeps you from selling work?

What keeps you from selling work?
What do you do when you feel resistance to the very thing you say you want, like growing your Art business.


Specifically, what keeps you from putting your work out in the world for sale?

Is it:

  • that it's hard for you to part with your originals?
  • you're afraid of the response how it will be received?
  • you're concerned it might not sell?


And what does it mean if your work doesn't sell?


Welcome to another session of Creative Business Coaching over coffee where Artist Una Marz courageously, and vulnerably answers the questions above when she asked for coaching help to understand her fears around releasing her original works.


Una and I talk through her fears after I share several announcements from

  • Sell A Piece of Art Challenge starting this Monday! to
  • Opening registration to my first in-person painting workshop in Los Angeles this November
  • To the story of how the opportunity to design my first box of cards for Papyrus came to be.


Join us for Sell A Piece of Art this Week




Join me, with my dear friend and award-winning floral designer Alyssa Van Guilder of Apotheca Flowers for our in-person floral design + painting event and creative business brunch.

Save your spot for 1, 2, or 3 days


Floral Design + Painting Workshop


You can find all things Una Marz at @una.marz

 Card box featured above Creative Thursday by Marisa for Papyrus cards.


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How to Get (the Right) Support as a Creative

How to Get (the Right) Support as a Creative

Hi! It's me Marisa, your Creative Biz Bestie sharing the scoop on

  • why
  • how and
  • when to get support as a Creative especially if you're pursuing Creativity as your career.


I break down the possibilities for learning in my multi-layer cake approach to education, along with

  • the choices you'll make when it comes to investing in your education
  • how to be discerning when getting support from experienced Mentors
  • and how to know if they are right for you
  • how to determine your budget for investing in your support


I also talk about the importance of when and how to choose a Mentor who has Coaching expertise,

  • the skills that make a good Coach
  • the training needed
  • to practical and intuitive guidance



And in response to an Expansive Artist member request for more Mindset recommendations from podcasts to books I share some of my favorites with you.


Join us for Sell A Piece of Art this Week Challenge + Coaching



Want to know when spots open up for 1:1 Coaching again

email us at support@creativethursday.com


See you over on Instagram for some Creative Business Coaching @creativethursday


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Mastering the Energy of Selling Your Art (part 3)

Mastering the Energy of Selling Your Art (part 3)

Did you get a chance to listen to episode 317 (part 1) and 318 (part 2)


WARNING: Don't listen to part 3 until you've listened to parts 1 and 2 in order.

I kid, and yet I don't.


I'm guessing you're a freedom seeker like me and you like to do things your way, and I get that.


I can't make you listen to these episodes in order. You are free to listen to them, however, whenever you like. But if you really want to get the most from tuning into this series of episodes, listen to them, and journal your honest answers to the prompts in order.


Ok, I've said my peace. On with part 3! :)


So you've been doing "all the things" to sell your work and you're still not having the success you want?

You're trying to make changes in your "Mindset" but the changes aren't sticking? WHY?

And the defeat you're feeling is starting to get you down and making you question whether this Artist life is actually meant for you?


What can you do about it?


While we have access to a lot of education around the practical steps to selling your Art + Creations, there aren't enough conversations around this very important piece to selling your work ~ mastering your ENERGY.


Let's keep the conversation going with part 3, the final installment of a 3-part series.


In today's episode, I'm sharing how to change the habits that may be holding you back from finding consistent success + sales with your Creative Work.


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Mastering the Energy of Selling Your Art (part 2)

Mastering the Energy of Selling Your Art (part 2)

Spoiler Alert: Don't skip ahead! Did you get a chance to listen to episode 317 (part 1)


So you've been doing "all the things" to sell your work and you're still not having the success you want?

You're trying to make changes in your "Mindset" but the changes aren't sticking? WHY?


If you haven't listened yet, to get the most of this series talking about how to find more success at selling your work, be sure to go back and journal your answers to the prompts I share in part 1.


While we have access to a lot of education around the practical steps to selling your Art + Creations, there aren't enough conversations around this very important piece to selling your work ~ your ENERGY.


Let's keep the conversation going with part 2 of a 3-part series.


There's a lot of talk around Mindset when it comes to success, specifically making Money, but what creates your Mindset?


When does it start?

What if your mindset isn't working for you?

How do you change it?


There's a foundational piece you don't want to miss if you want to create lasting transformation that will help you create the life you envision.

I'm talking about the foundation in part 2 of this 3-part series.


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Mastering the Energy of Selling Your Art (part 1)

Mastering the Energy of Selling Your Art (part 1)

So you've been doing "all the things" to sell your work and you're still not having the success you want?


While we have access to a lot of education around the practical steps to selling your Art + Creations, there aren't enough conversations around this very important piece to selling your work ~ your ENERGY.

Let's change that conversation starting now with this episode, part 1 of a 3-part series.


We talk about confidence but your overall energy is much more than that.


While you can muscle your way through to a certain level of confidence, a consistent, integrated, inspired energy around selling work is what you need to build the successful business you dream of.


What's the specific energy you need and how do you accomplish that exactly?


That's what I'm talking about in part 1 of this 3 part series.


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Money Mindset Manifestation for Creatives with Creative Coach Nick Demos

Money Mindset Manifestation for Creatives with Creative Coach Nick Demos

The latest in trendy buzzwords or concepts that actually play well together? And if so how can Money Mindset + Manifestation help you reach your goals + dreams?


A topic I've wanted to explore more in-depth on this podcast for some time...It took a minute to meet + invite and get to know the guest I trust to take this conversation further ~ one who not only walks the walk but offers one of the clearest explanations of Mindset + Manifestation, along with practical tips and recommendations on how you can choose to practice both (with an approach that works for you) to invite more Abundance (including Money) into your world.


As an Artist who's been aware of, continually learning, and practicing my version of Manifestation for well over 20 years, this conversation sparked a profound new clarity + transformational insight that has stayed with me ever since we recorded this episode


Packed with inspiration and ah-ha's + Insight from a limitless Creative who's resume includes: a Tony Award Winning Producer, Award Winning Filmmaker, Former Professional Actor/SingerDancer, Yoga Teacher, Pranayama + Reiki Practitioner, Creative Coach, and fellow Podcaster.


If you don't yet know Nick, you will. I can't wait for you to meet him in this episode. Enjoy!


You can find all things Nick Demos at


@thenickdemos on Instagram


Are you joining me for #30DaysofSketchwithMarisa


Join the list to follow along here


and use this hashtag #30daysofsketchwithmarisa on Instagram to participate with your own sketches. 


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What to do when You're not Feeling Your Art (or Your Art Business)?

What to do when You're not Feeling Your Art (or Your Art Business)?

What do you do when your creative spirit is missing?


We don't often talk about this as Artists ~ but the thing about turning your passion into your business, is that lines can get blurred and you need to find ways of staying connected to your passion to have long lasting success in your career.


And when seasons of life can feel like too much all at once, making Art might feel like the last thing you want to do ~ yet without your Art there is no business...


As Professional Creatives we need tools at the ready to give ourselves grace, while also helping us to find our way back to center and inspiration again.


In today's episode I'm offering a possible solution:

  • I talk about how I navigate social media for my creative businesswhen I don't feel like sharing
  • The boundaries I set for myself when it comes to engaging with social media
  • A variety of tools I use to help find my way back to my center + peace + creative inspiration


- and inviting you to join me for #30daysofsketchwithmarisa if you feel inspired to!

Join the list to follow along here


and use this hashtag #30daysofsketchwithmarisa on Instagram to participate with your own sketches.


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Artist Success Stories

Artist Success Stories

Welcome to another installment of Artist Success Stories.


This episode highlights 3 of our Expansive Artist Members sharing stories about how they came to follow their passion and experience breakthroughs with their Art + Creative Businesses.


Artists; Erwin Ong, Una Marz, and Tracey Murrell join me for this episode where we talk about:

  • Erwin shares how he learned to trust + courageously say yes to a new opportunity that lead to a $2500 Mural project
  • Una how she finally stopped hiding to begin confidently sharing her Art and herself doing LIVE videos
  • And Tracey shares how she transformed a time of loss into a decision to follow the passion she had since being a teenager



Perfect timing to join our inspiring community of Expansive Artists! Doors are OPEN starting today through next Tuesday, June 27 @ 11:59 pm PDT


Get ready to experience your next Creative + Art Business breakthrough with plenty of support, accountability, and encouragement along the way.


We can't wait to welcome you!


Come join us!



You can find all things

Erwin Ong @duckamuck on instagram

Una Marz @una.marz on instagram

Tracey Murrell @traceyscolourmyworld on instagram


To get the latest updates, click here to join the Creative Thursday List


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