Creative Thursday

Artist Success Stories with Molly Ovenden, Anita Driessen, Cindy Scheule, and Jen Duregger

Artist Success Stories with Molly Ovenden, Anita Driessen, Cindy Scheule, and Jen Duregger

Welcome to another edition of Artist Success Stories.

In this episode I'm joined by 4 of our Alumni; Molly Ovenden, Anita Driessen, Cindy Scheule, and Jen Duregger sharing

  • why saying YES is more important than saying NO
  • how to finally stop making excuses and take yourself seriously as an Artist
  • how to show up with consistency
  • how BIG changes in your personal life can be the opening to following your dreams
  • how sharing your gifts as a gift can spark a new career path


Doors to Artful Selling 2025 are OPEN starting now through Tuesday, January 21 @ 11:59 pm PST


🎨 Transform Your Art Business:

Craft your Art Sales + Marketing Plan for 2025 and beyond. Make more art, sell more art, and turn your dreams into reality.

💡 Get Clarity and Achieve Your Dreams:

This time, it's about follow-through! Having a Sales and Marketing Plan is the most effective way to confidently and consistently sell to your Ideal Collectors online. Let's build a thriving business that supports a life you love.

📆 Your 12-Month Product Launch Plan:

Know what you're creating, when you're launching it, and how to price it for PROFIT.

📱 Create Your Social Media Plan:

Unlock the secrets to impactful social media strategies.

📧 Create Your Email Marketing Plan:

Learn the art of email marketing for successful art promotion.

🌟 Ready to Make Selling Your Art Easy?


We can't wait to welcome you!


Join us

You can find all things

Molly Ovenden @mollyovendencreativity on instagram

Anita Driessen @neetydee on instagram

Cindy Shuele @watercolourbycindy on instagram

Jen Duregger @jensheartstudio on instagram


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Why Creatives are Crushing it in the Membership Space with Special Guest Membership Expert, Stu McLaren

Why Creatives are Crushing it in the Membership Space with Special Guest Membership Expert, Stu McLaren

What qualities do Creatives have in common that make adding a membership model to their business a perfect fit?


We'll tell you! In today's episode I'm joined by my friend and Mentor of 5 years and Membership Expert Stu McLaren to talk about the wild success Artists are seeing in the membership space.


And by success we mean, growing 7 figure memberships in just a few years, while inspiring art and creativity, and creative business skills for thousands of people across the globe.


It's inspiring, to say the least, to see this rapid growth of PROSPERITY and THRIVING in an industry that was once known for its starving, struggling mentality.


Days of the Starving Artist are gone as Creative Business owners today, myself included are changing the narrative forever more.


It turns out there is one single quality many of us share that makes Artists especially successful at starting, building, and running memberships.


In today's episode, we share

  • what that one quality is among others that makes Artists perfectly suited to add a membership to their revenue streams
  • how many different kinds of creative memberships there are with very specific skills being taught
  • how to know if starting a membership might be something you want to do
  • what owning a membership, not 1 but now 2! has done for me both personally and professionally


If this episode has thinking about what it might be like to start a membership or you have one going already but don't know how to grow it effectively, you're in luck because Stu's free workshop is happening now:

How to Turn What You Already Know, Love, and Do into a Profitable Business

Just click here to join the workshop for free


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Favorite Organization Tools for Social Media Planning + Project Management

Favorite Organization Tools for Social Media Planning + Project Management

Spontaneous creation or being prepared ahead of time with your content? which do you prefer?


Continuing on with our series, part 3, of answering your Time Management questions; I'm opening this episode with a few more social media creation tips, specifically for video, while also sharing more tools to help you get and stay organized with your assets, marketing plan and project management.


  • what and when I record behind the scenes to use in my social media marketing
  • app recommendations for video editing
  • my favorite project management tools and how I use them specifically for my social media planning



Yay! it's almost go time!

We start Monday, January 15

Join the Profitable Artist Planning Challenge + Coaching Week


Join the Artful Selling Waitlist


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What happened to Etsy? and 3 Tips to Selling Art Online

What happened to Etsy? and 3 Tips to Selling Art Online

Did you hear about what happened to Etsy sellers last week?


After 16 years of selling Art online, getting an early start also selling on Etsy, there's one non-negotiable that I emphasize to ALL of the Artists I have the opportunity to work with, and I'm sharing it with you in today's episode.


The recent Etsy events reminded me just how important this one tip is an inspired 2 more I'm sharing especially if I were getting started selling my Art online today.


In this episode I talk about:

  • the most important assets in your business and how to protect them
  • the trends that are happening in online selling and how to prepare for the changes coming
  • how to get noticed faster than when the algorithm chooses to feature you, and without paid ads


If you want to put these tips into practice as soon as next week, Come join us! I'm hosting my Sell A Piece of Art Workshop + Coaching Week and you're invited.


Click the link below to register


To get the latest updates, click here to join the Creative Thursday List


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What's the Best Environment to Spark Your Creativity with a special guest Alyssa Van Guilder

What's the Best Environment to Spark Your Creativity with a special guest Alyssa Van Guilder

Not just talking about your studio space today, or perhaps? a kitchen table studio like where I first started my Art business, but in today's episode I share a story about how I figured out what cultivated my most inspired creative times.


It wasn't obvious to me until recently ~ first when I founded The Expansive Artists, with an intention to cultivate and support an inspired creative community of fellow Artists growing businesses along with hosting in person creative events, like retreats and workshops ~


Here's the thing: the environment and community you choose to surround yourself with can make all the difference in the way you find, tap into and express your unique creative vision.


It's way more important than you might realize.

I invited a special guest, Floral Designer and Founder of Apotheca Flowers, Alyssa Van Guilder to join me for this conversation.


We're both excited to announce that our 2020 dream of hosting an in person creative + creative business event together, is finally happening this year.


You can get all the details and save your spot to join us here!


You can find all things Alyssa Van Guilder and Apotheca



Click here to join the Creative Thursday List


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My New "GameChanger" Planning Tip!

My New "GameChanger" Planning Tip!

My planning practice, or rather my planning obsession, has reached a new level and I've got a brand new tip to share with you in this episode.


Inspired by another new love for project management - something that before my business started to grow to include a team that I had no idea "was a thing" - this planning tip is good for both using pen (preferably markers!) + paper and digital.


I’m also celebrating the release of the brand new 2nd edition limited edition 2023 creative planner, which is date free so you can start it or use it at any time of the year that you like.


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