Creative Thursday

Adding Revenue with Online Teaching, is it Right for You?

Adding Revenue with Online Teaching, is it Right for You?

Artists and entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to expand. This is incredibly important to growing a profitable business, as proven by the unpredictable rollercoaster that was 2020. 

In order to not only survive but thrive in business, you want to plan for adding additional revenue streams.

This episode delves into three reasons why online teaching might be something to consider as an alternate source of income. While it may not be for everyone, you might be surprised at how it can take business to the next level. Listen on to learn more!

And join my business mentor Stu McLaren starting next week, Thursday April 22 for his Free Tribe Workshop that happens only once year teaching you all about Recurring Revenue options that can work for you and your unique business.

Click here to Register

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From $4 for $24K in 4 Weeks

From $4 for $24K in 4 Weeks

I don't think I've ever shared this photo on my blog, of 14 year old me in the wide brimmed hat + braces, selling ceramics at my very first Art fair in Venice, Florida alongside my neighbor Toots (in the white) who generously opened up her garage ceramics studio to me, who looking back taught how to paint sweet character faces, and my proud mom (in the black and white)


I made $100 in sales that day and I was THRILLED!


Looking back it's clear as a day a path that was calling to me, yet I because I never thought I could making a living as an Artist, I chose a different direction for a few years, until the call became so loud and I knew I had to listen if I was going to live a life fulfilled. 


I've learned that denying our dreams is so much more uncomfortable (even painful) than actually taking the steps towards realizing them. 


If I told my 14 year old self, about the life she would now have, she would be THRILLED, especially when I tell her about what happened in my Art business just last month.


I share the story with you in today's podcast episode, another one recorded live on Clubhouse and includes the “after party” of great conversation following the episode with fellow Artists. 

When I discovered the fulfillment that comes with saying yes to your dreams and being open to that adventure, I just wanted to encourage everyone in earshot, and I mean everyone ~especially my fellow Artists to go for it, and it's why I've been on a mission ever since to encourage + transform the limiting narrative + beliefs around what it means to live a life as an Artist. 

The more people who are lit up doing what they love in all areas of life, this is everything. It is the most profound ripple effect of joy that you can imagine.




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Selling Your Work, What's Your Story?

Selling Your Work, What's Your Story?

It's official, my first Clubhouse recorded podcast! 

Part 2 in my 3 part series around Selling Your Work as an Artist.

Passionate about changing that narrative, Since March 12, 2010 almost exactly 11 years to the date, when I first posted about the concept of a Thriving Artist on my blog, not only for myself as a Self-Taught Artist but for every Artist I have the opportunity to come in contact with.

That's why in this episode, I open up about my truths around selling and making money as an an Artist.

The episode is at the top and then if you'd like to hear the conversation that followed with a number of Artists who joined me LIVE after the recording you can listen.

We talk about everything from dismantling the stories and beliefs around "selling" "making money" and being a Woman Artist, to what this means for our daughters and new generations, going forward.

If you are ready to put your new story around Selling into Practice, join me for the Sell A Piece of Art this Week Challenge. We start Monday, March 22


Listen to this week's episode, and if you see this before 10:10 am PDT click here to join me today on Clubhouse! LIVE for part 3 ~ from $4 > $24K in 4 weeks in Art Sales



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The Best "Advice" to Sell Your Work

The Best "Advice" to Sell Your Work

With endless "advice" opinions and guidance out there how do you really know what will work for you, your Art practice + business.

2 tips for you on this Creative Thursday, with more to come!

I'll see you today @ 11 am PST on Clubhouse @marisa anne

And join me for the Sell A Piece of Art this Week Challenge starting Monday, March 22


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The Mistake that Almost Cost Me My Business

The Mistake that Almost Cost Me My Business
Promise me you won't make this same mistake. Today I'm sharing a hard-learned, painful lesson that caused my business to stall. Also, I wish someone would've told me this secret to success that is shared by so many of the top entrepreneurs and business owners.

Join us! For the Sell A Piece of Art this Week Challenge kicking off on Monday September 21. Click here to register.

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When your Collector LOVES your Work In Progress #WIP (but it's not finished yet!)

When your Collector LOVES your Work In Progress #WIP (but it's not finished yet!)


What do you do?

Do you leave it as is or fulfill your original vision?

I held a challenge last week for my members in The Expansive Artists. "Sell a Piece of Art this Week" 

A BIG success! I am in awe of the progress made by the Artists in just one week, technically 3 days!! from opening online shops, posting regularly on social media, going LIVE on social media, getting booked on a podcast, launching books, and online workshops, to emailing announcements to their Collectors, and SELLING WORK!! Wohoo!

And, questions also came up like this one Nadia shared in the Expansive Artists. She shared that her work was "in that awkward teenage stage where she doesn't want to touch them for fear that people won't like them..."

What if your Collector won't like the work once it's finished? 

...I know how the story ends! What did Nadia decide and how did it work out?

Grab your sparkling beverage of choice (I happen to be sipping a glass of Lamarc Prosecco on this episode) or your favorite treat and tune in to hear my thoughts on how I handle this fear, and spoiler alert, we're going to do some celebrating...!!

And YAY!! how cool is this! Now that the blog is back you can listen to this episode right here.

Oh my goodness...why didn't I do this sooner. LOL one step at t time. 

One step at a time leads to progress and momentum that just keeps building. The clarity comes and the pieces do start to click into place, they do!


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Iris Scott: on Making Joyful Art, Staying True to Your Vision, and Selling Paintings for 5 Figures

Iris Scott: on Making Joyful Art, Staying True to Your Vision, and Selling Paintings for 5 Figures

Meet Iris Scott, a Brooklyn-based Oil Finger Painting Artist since 2009; dedicated to creating and building a business that stays true to her vision. Iris is an artist who creates from Joy. In our conversation, she shares her journey that began with a year of making art in Taiwan, selling paintings for $150 to selling them 9 years later for $50,000. We talk about everything from what it means to "make Art for Art's Sake" the movement towards collecting Joyful Art, how to connect with your collectors, how not to be an Art Brat, and what it takes to become a Thriving Artist in today's possibility filled marketplace. 

"Go practice, just go make stuff and focus on what's working and make more of it. And you will inevitably innovate in ways no other human has innovated in that specific thing." - Iris Scott

You can find all things Iris Scott at:

instagram: @irisscottart

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