The Quarantine Jungle is FINISHED!

It's official!! The 40" x 30" painting I've been working on throughout the L.A. Quarantine ~ one of my largest and most detailed pieces to date is complete.
The Artist’s secret to finishing a piece of work: give yourself a deadline
Over years of painting characters and animals in different settings I had never painted a Jungle before.
Technically I began this painting on a whim during one of our painting nights when I had my large studio almost 2 years ago.
And it had been sitting, just waiting to be finished all this time.

It was the extra time home and a desire not only to complete this painting but to challenge myself as a painter...something I’d clearly been avoiding which is why ahem I stopped shortly after I started... 40” x 30” is a far cry from my familiar small size of 6” x 6” 😳
Working through all the details took much longer than anticipated, and I also unexpectedly discovered how much I love having one large painting to return to day after day.
I've always felt fulfilled with my art through the process of creating and completing a piece in one sitting with my daily painting practice.
Stepping out of my comfort zone opened up a whole new avenue to explore with my work, and I can't wait to see where this leads.
I promised myself it would be finished at the end of the quarantine and while we’re not quite there yet, I feel a gentle shift back to some aliveness and (socially distanced) in person connection 💕and it feels like it’s time for this painting to be completed - that, and - I am also ready to begin new work!
Because you know what happens when you commit to regular creating- your creative inspiration gains serious momentum. The muse is in the house!
Voila! a finished painting and a happy Artist (with even longer bangs.)
Stay well + creative xo Marisa
Enjoy the Quarantine Jungle!

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