#1 Reason Artists Don't Sell Work

#1 Reason Artists Don't Sell Work

What do you think is the number 1 reason Artists don't sell work? 

After working for years with Artists in Business and being one myself of course...my own experience around selling and not selling... this is an obvious oversight that I see happening all too often.

It's time to rewrite a certain story Creative Friends, it's time.

If you're seeing this post before Saturday July 4 @ 12 pm PT.

The Doors to The Expansive Artists Are open! for another 48 hours and then they'll close again so we can get to work and prepare for all the incredible online possibilities that await us!

We can't wait to welcome you! See you inside!


 PS The new Expansive Artist Affirmations Decks are HERE!!! the first batch is already shipped and on their way to their new homes. To our pre-order Collectors, thank you so, so much for your orders and your patience during the Covid-19 delay deck printing.

 Tune into the new podcast episode #191 below.


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